PVP Attack | Team 2

If you haven’t already read the PVP Attack | Team 1 setup, please do! This team is designed to handle only a couple of situations that Team 1 cannot. So, use Team 1 normally unless you need Team 2 to kill the specific type of enemy setup it was designed for…

Special thanks to KeyserSoze for sharing this strategy with me in such detail. While I have created this lesson in an online format that is easier to read than our GroupMe server, this strategy belongs to him.

Valandur, JLBP-O

The second team includes the following 4 heroes in this order, set up with runes as follows:

  • Dhaegon – Attack with 3 Festive, Tainted and Foresight
  • Archon – Attack with 3 Festive, Enabler, Evasion
  • Serenity – Defensive with Guardian, Taunt, Evasion/Foresight
  • Astrid – Defensive with Guardian, Tank, Evasion/Foresight

Let’s take a look at this team in more detail:


Dhaegon: He might be no taller than the average human child, but Dhaegon is a monster. His job is to kill the enemy team in the first round and he’s really, really good at it.

Strategy: By loading him with festives, Dhaegon can use his specials in the first round. Throw out an S2 “Resounding Pounding” on the taunt target (usually Sybil or Serenity). If there isn’t one, even better – hit Niveous. Then throw S3 on Alrakis. If all goes well, at least 3 of the enemy are dead or about dead — including the enemy dragons. If you have Dhaegon’s epic, do not basic attack or you risk a proc going off which will end his turn immediately.

Runes: 3 Festives are critical as they provide Dhaegon with the extra energy needed to launch two special attacks in round. Why two attacks? Serenity provides the team an extra attack when their first attack is a single target attack!


Archon: The enemy team has Niveous, who is frozen after Dhaegon’s attack. If you don’t win in 3 turns, Niveous comes back to life and then he’s going to resurrect the enemy Alrakis that Dhaegon killed too! Archon’s only job is to prevent that from happening!

Strategy: Use S3 “Cataclysmic Conflagration” to finish off any remaining enemies and then burn all of their corpses, removing them from the map! No more Niveous and Alrakis! Unfortunately it also means no more Archon (for now), but he did his job and really went out with a bang! /salute

Runes: 3 Festive are critical as Archon must be able to use S3 in round 1 to prevent the return of the enemy dragons. The other runes are less important, but should be the best attack runes you have.


Serenity: She does most of her job just be being on the team — providing Dhaegon with a second attack and reducing non-physical damage to the team by 60%! She’ll also try to tank a bit.

Strategy: Not really an important strategy for Serenity. Her specials aren’t all that critical to this fight. Normally by the time she gets a turn either the fight is over or only Loreli remains, so slap that bee if you can. Really you’re just biding your time until Dhaegon can go again! Her S3 can silence an enemy. I suggest NOT silencing Niveous as you want him to waste his S1 in the first round before Alrakis dies.

Runes: All defensive with Guardian is most important. If you can’t match the setup above, use the best defensives you can.


Astrid: They don’t call her Shieldmaiden for nothing! Astrid’s role is to protect your team and herself.

Strategy: The main reason Astrid is there is her passive ability: Valkyrie Valor, which will give warriors (Dhaegon, Archon and Astrid, herself) an Aegis shield for the first round. This protects them from the initial defensive team attacks. Fully starred and runed, she can also be very hard to kill!

Runes: Guardian and Tank are important. Others can be Evasion/Foresight. A Festive will let her use S1 “Boomerang Shield” to weaken the enemy attack.

Back to Plan A

Once you’ve killed the enemy that would have given your Team 1 problems, go back to Team 1 until you need Team 2 again.

Remember: No strategy is flawless. You will still lose some fights. However, this 2 team combo will give you a significant pvp attack boost! I personally went from winning just over half of my fights to a 95% win rate at level 80 in Legend 1 during GGT. Not bad at all.

Thanks again to KeyserSoze for the strategy!

Go back to: PVP Attack Intro or PVP Attack | Team 1